The Business Women
Where Business Runs Around Her

Women in Social Entrepreneurship: Changing Lives through Business


Social entrepreneurship is a strong force that combines business savvy and a strong dedication to making a positive social effect. Although men have historically predominated in the area, more and more women are breaking through barriers and having a big impact as social entrepreneurs.

The remarkable tales of women who are transforming lives through their creative entrepreneurial endeavours and bringing about significant change in their communities and beyond are explored in this article.

Empowering Women through Education: Malala Yousafzai

The youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, Malala Yousafzai, has emerged as a spokesperson for education and women’s empowerment. Malala co-founded the Malala Fund, a non-profit organisation that promotes girls’ education globally, after surviving a Taliban assassination attempt.

She has changed the lives of many girls through her project, giving them access to high-quality education and equipping them to act as change agents in their own cultures.

Stella McCartney on Fair Trade and Sustainable Fashion

A well-known fashion designer Stella McCartney has become a leader. Her brand bears her name and is dedicated to moral behaviour and sustainable manufacturing. She has shown that it is possible to make attractive, abundant products and put social responsibility first.

Solutions for Clean Energy: Sheila Oparaocha

Sheila Oparaocha is ENERGIA’s international coordinator and programme manager. ENERGIA is a network that advocates for gender equality in developing sustainable energy sources. Oparaocha promotes the involvement of women in renewable energy efforts, acknowledging their critical contribution to accelerating the move towards a low-carbon future.

She has supported marginalised populations’ access to sustainable energy technologies through ENERGIA’s programmes, allowing women to improve their living circumstances, expand their economic prospects, and reduce their reliance on hazardous traditional energy sources.

Kiva: Jessica Jackley co-founded Kiva

An online microlending platform that links investors and business owners in underprivileged areas. Through small loans, Kiva has helped countless people—particularly women—start and expand their enterprises, promoting financial inclusion and economic empowerment.

Landesa: Anuradha Bhosale 

A social entrepreneur and activist named Anuradha Bhosale work for Landesa, a group that promotes land rights and helps rural populations get land tenure. Bhosale’s initiatives have empowered women farmers in India by assisting them in acquiring legal titles to their property and giving them access to resources to enhance their standard of living and assert their rights. 

SEWA: Ela Bhatt

Ela Bhatt founded the Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) in India. SEWA is a trade union and cooperative that provides access to financial services, healthcare, and chances for skill development to women who work as artisans and labourers in the informal sector.

Millions of women’s lives have been transformed thanks to Bhatt’s work, which has helped them become economically independent and more powerful in society.


When using creative business models to address social, economic, and environmental concerns, women in social entrepreneurship set the bar high. They bring about real change and enhance people’s lives worldwide through unwavering commitment and passion.

We can encourage more women to join social entrepreneurship and continue to have a long-lasting positive influence on society by elevating their voices and celebrating their accomplishments.

Creating an inclusive atmosphere that supports and motivates women to succeed in entrepreneurship is essential as it changes. By doing this, we can leverage social entrepreneurship’s revolutionary power and build a more just and sustainable future for everyone.

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