Initiating everlasting innovations

Meghana Dikshit: an inspiring businesswoman, soaring the spirit of people with her incredible voice

Dr Meghana is inspired by purpose and driven by passion. She gives wings to people and supports them sketching their success story by delivering the message of her heart!

Some of the most dynamic dignitaries in today’s world are women, who are filling positions of influence in boardrooms, hospitals, athletic competitions, and even Parliament. It may be that the glass ceiling has yet to shatter, but these women of leadership have dealt it a staggering number of cracks. Also, these women have blazed pathway for others to follow from political personage and business leaders to sports stars and entertainers. Their ultimate mission is to inspire lives, transform organizations and straighten out the world.

Motivating and coaching others is a unique pathway of entrepreneurship. Many inspirational females are engaged in events, forums, and conferences where they galvanize the community. In the comprehensive list of brilliant female achievers and speakers, Dr Meghana Dikshit is at the pinnacle. She plays diversified roles as an Author, Coach, International speaker and also a Guru; she has helped blaze trails for multitudinous people in the fields of business, health, politics, spirituality, and career development. She is a natural presenter who is best known for her professional, gracious and down-to-earth individuality, which allows her to relate to people spanning across all age groups and demographics.

Dr Meghana is peak performance strategist, speaker and leadership coach. For the last 22 years, she has greased the wheels for over 29000 people in creating personal and professional transformation from fortune 500 CEOs, students to elite athletes, Bollywood celebrities, industrialists and media personalities. Meghana has been a catalyst of radical change for an extensive range of people. She aims to provide the tools and strategies that everyone requires to transcend beyond their limiting fears and beliefs, accomplish their goals and realize their true desires. She uses her innovative and efficacious lifestyle transformation to generate radical and permanent changes.

Meghana is a passionate doctor with the commercial power of creativity and a return to more human communication, engagement, and leadership.

Being a doctor by profession, she used to feel concerned by the number of patients who returned with the same disease after having been cured. It led her to research that perhaps the cause of disease lies deeper, than just the physical body. It is more to do with the wasted potential of humans. Years of research and dedication to holistic wellness practices have reformed her approach, and she now decides to empower people to bring about everlasting innovations within themselves. To make people achieve their success, she founded De Mantraa. She has expanded her vision to include productivity and emotional health and inspires people to become winners and to accomplish their dreams. She is an ever enthusiastic believer in new learning.

A highly experienced, skilled trainer and conference facilitator, Meghana has a variety of significant events to her credit. Through her company, De Mantraa, she has broken all norms in the workshop industry by hosting high energy, interactive and experiential events.

Meghana also takes her programs to schools, businesses, and companies. She has trained in companies like TCS, Glenmark, Essar and more. Using a tried and tested self-development curriculum and result-oriented coaching module, she guarantees an instant boost in performance in all phases of life for participants who are committed to their own success. Dr Meghana exceeds the expectations of clients with her coaching, consulting and private speaking by addressing individual company needs and specific industry outcomes. The end result is an instantaneous enhancement in staff morale and business operations.

De Mantraa: Creating an Enthusiastic and Innovative Leadership

De Mantraa had been initiated in 2012 in the gateway of India, Mumbai with an objective to educate, empower and transform individuals, teams, and organizations to live a life of freedom and joy through its coaching and training services. The team performs with senior management and help them create breakthrough leadership qualities that lay the foundation of a wonderful organization with an enthusiastic and productive workforce. She performs with the non-tangible aspects of humans to drive tangible aftermath that results in prosperity in revenue, and opportunities.

De Mantraa is the team of 20 passionate, dedicated and compassionate professionals who measure the extra mile to strengthen the people to accomplish their goals. The team does not only believe in success intangible aspects like career, health, money but it is credulous in the holistic build-up of the person who comes here.  De Mantraa teaches the science of achievement and art of fulfilment for 360º holistic success.

Future Agenda of the Organization

De Mantraa is planning to empower and revolutionize the world with its advance program USP (Ultimate Success Program)   and outlining to access in all metro cities of India by 2020. It has also made an agenda to go global by 2022 after creating radical developments combined with cutting edge and scientifically designed transformation tools that can assist people to solve their problems in real time. Last year, more than 5000 people got insights to come out of their limitations and achieve their Big Goals.

Feather in the cap of Dr Meghana and her Organization

  • Woman Leader of the Year 2017 by Future Women’s Summit in October 2017
  • The World HRD Awards for “Best Transformational Coach” in Feb 2017
  • Iconic Women Creating Better World for ALL award at WEF, Kolkata in 2017
  • Entrepreneurial award from NAB in 2013
  • 50 Best Wellness Companies 2018
  • Best Transformation Coach 2017

Dr Meghana is a public identity with a professional career; she lives in Mumbai, India with her family. To get a deeper insight into Meghana’s professional life and De Mantraa, Puja Bhardwaj- Editor, The CEO Magazine spoke to her.

Here are the edited excerpts.

Hi, Dr Meghana thanks for your time; we are glad to have you featured in The CEO Magazine. Can you tell us what inspired you to be an entrepreneur?

As a doctor, I always took pains to foster as many people as I can. But as I was self-employed, the lack of time and practical constraints made it arduous to help many. In this situation setting out my venture was the only choice to make it happen. Furthermore, the realization of the increasing demand for coaching and training for accomplishment and peak potentials made me become an entrepreneur.

Throw some light on the significance of entrepreneurship and working women for India.

The women are endowed with innate power that supports them to be successful entrepreneurs. Women entrepreneurship is intrinsic and also a natural process.

Entrepreneurship is considered as a key factor in boosting the economic evolution of the country. In India, women constitute around 48% of the population but, their participation in economic activities is quite less. That’s why, in the emerging and complex social scenario, women have a pivotal act to perform. At this moment, women have taken up the entrepreneurial path in order to create a meaning for themselves. The traditional housewives are gradually evolving into women entrepreneurs. Some of the wonderful factors responsible for these transformations include better education, improving socio-cultural values and need for additional income and more.

It is a fact that when proper exposure, education, and knowledge are imparted to them, female superpower will be a highly productive force to boost the growth of the nation.

How do you see female entrepreneurship in India? Is it problematic?

As a woman, I find entrepreneurship in India as advantageous and a perfect opportunity to be extraordinary and persuasive. I have been fortunate to get excellent support and acceptance from everyone.  I personally feel that it’s the mind-set that stops or creates obstacles in any person’s growth, not the situations or other people. And, it applies to men and women both.

How would you inspire other female aspirants to thrive in this male-dominated industry?

Every accomplishment starts with the decision to make it happen! I suggest them to go back to the initial phase and remember why you started in the first place. Keep pushing past every thought that makes you feel you can’t do it. Remember if you can’t, you should, and if you should, then you must do it. It ultimately depends on us how we look at the hurdle.

My learning is to take difficulties as a game, play it with fun and enjoy your victory at every level.

How do you accomplish work-life balance?

I don’t believe in work-life balance; it’s a myth. According to me, my passion fuels every aspect of my life. One feeds another but; I can’t be in two places at the same time.  I am an individual who takes the role of multiple characters. When I am engaged in office work, I am fully involved in it and when its family time I give my 100% here only. Sometimes one role takes over the other, and I am okay with that without feeling any guilt.  I figured out to create systems that can work without me at work, and at home, so things run smoothly without me being there. I also keep people around me in the loop of what’s happening in different domains in my life, and I freely seek support and help from people.

Do you have any mentor? Interpret the role of mentor in life.

We all have the seeds of accomplishment, but we require an image as a point of focus in an order that they may sprout.

I have numerous mentors, who guided me and supported me to be what I am today. Mentors are essential in our lives; they have already walked the path before us. From our childhood to study, we get people around us who become our guidance and support us to perform better. But we don’t get any coach to play the game of life and career. In the contemporary world, it is very important to have a mentor by your side that can help you and push you to move swiftly. You don’t have to always figure out everything when someone else has already figured it out before you. Having the guidance and support of mentors not only saves your precious time but also makes your journey straightforward and full of fun.

Define entrepreneurship in your favourite metaphor.

It is like a journey of discovering new dimensions of yourself and the world around you where you use the best possible mode of transport, reach a destination, enjoy it and embark on a new journey again.

Who is a perfect business leader? What sort of characteristics do you think a great leader possess?

A Chinese Phrase says that gold cannot be pure, and people cannot be perfect. There is no perfect business leader. Here are some sorts of qualities that in my opinion, a great leader should have:

  • He should be visionary who can drive the organization by keeping the business goals and trend in mind
  • He should be a great listener and a strong communicator
  • His actions make him/her a role model in the organization, who works with passion, commitment, and empathy
  • He should be positive and inclusive of people and ideas and believes in constant innovation

How does a day in your life look like?  

I am an early bird and my day starts at 4 am.  I take 10 minutes to get out of bed as I start my day being in gratitude of my life. I decide to be happy and spread happiness around no matter what I face! I follow a fixed routine comprising nutrition, workout and mind training. I also enjoy spending some time with myself. Thenceforth, I spend 90 minutes to create the blueprint to boost my business. Now, after spending some quality time with family I get ready to start my work. I spend 6 hours working actively. I do take small breaks to eat, laugh and enjoy the little joys of life. I feel it’s essential to rejuvenate and have fun while working as it gives positive feedback and enhances mental capacity. I return home and enjoy sharing the events of the day with family and laughing more. By 9 pm I switch off my phone and go to bed within an hour.

Are you a risk taker? What is your point of view about risk-taking?

Yes, I am a risk taker. I believe to be an entrepreneur itself is a risk. An entrepreneur breaks norms; he goes behind a random idea, and also make others believe in his believed abstraction. In my opinion, prosperity lies out of comfort zone and, so I do. I feel taking risk is far better, than sitting on the fence. I fail and fail often but, I keep moving. I take failure as my learning, and I convert it in the feedforward and tell myself I just discovered ways that it didn’t work.

What do you mostly spend your time when you are not executing your business operation?

I spend my time learning new ways of marketing and collaborations and also make strategies to achieve business goals.

What was the most memorable moment of your professional journey?

Every moment is memorable when our clients get gratification and discovery.  But if I have to pick one, I remember the recent one at National Achievers Conference (NAC) where I shared the stage with the no.1 guru of personal development, Jack Canfield. It was a dream and declaration I had done in 2016 that came true in January 2019.

One word that individualizes you the best…


What do you enjoy most about your undertaking?

We work to puzzle out the complications of different persons and organizations, and that’s the most exciting part because no two people or challenges they deal with are the same. And, I enjoy this diversification the most.

If you could never work again, would you and why?

If I would never work again, I would still do what I can to stand by people in resolving their problems and transforming their life. My work is always a medium to fulfil my passion for serving people.

Kindly describe yourself in a few words.

I am a fierce and bold woman who knows her strengths. At the same time, I am extremely compassionate and perceptive. I always look for opportunities to stick up for people and be more resourceful.

How would you like people to remember you and your company?

Like a beacon of light when it comes to growth in life and direction in business.

Is there anything you enjoy more than being a businesswoman?

I enjoy being a mother the most.

Word to the Wise

Persistence will give you, what you want but consistency will allow you to keep what you got.