The CEO Magazine interviews Ms. DiptiAgrawal: A lady who inspires others to flourish the business by following “Integrity, Innovation & Serenity” 

TCM:  Kindly tell us something about your work profile/business including yourself.

Dipti: I am Co founder and CEO at Tudip Technologies. Through all these years, I had been very hands on entrepreneur with a belief that it’s all about providing value to our clients and revenues/profits are just byproducts of that process.  As our tag line suggest – “Integrity, Innovation, and Serenity” are our key value propositions. We, as a company, are extremely dedicated and want to always put our best foot forward when it comes to the product development.

TCM:What was your dream as a business lady?

Dipti: My dream as a business woman was always to build an organization which is positioned as a Global partner and first choice for our customers with leadership across the domains to help our customers accelerate the value creation process. The organization we wanted to build at Tudip offers flexible, customized and cost-effective near shoring solutions. At Tudip, we ensure the utmost confidentiality of the sensitive business data and on-time and in-budget delivery.

TCM:What is your greatest professional accomplishment till date?

Dipti: Taking a 1 line idea from our client and building an end to end market ready product with minimal guidance from them, is the most fulfilling part of this entire journey. Iterating it over the past 7 years, doing it on daily basis and cultivating a culture of delivery focused value addition had been the most satisfying accomplishment till date.

TCM:Have you ever failed in your initiatives? What have you learnt from your failures?

Dipti: Yes and we always put enormous premium on a failure! I think, a failure is failure only if we do not learn anything from it. We take every failure to our chin, go back to drawing board, dissect them in retrospection meetings and ensure that, every failure taught us something and helped us in becoming a better company.

TCM: Who are your ideals?

Dipti: My parent and other co founder had been the greatest support system i could have asked for. Over a period of time, we cultivated a set of people who could start acting as a bouncing board for ideas to begin with and eventually fill in more leadership roles in the organization.

TCM:How many hours a day you work on an average?

Dipti: Like it is said, higher the designations you hold, bigger the responsibility. You have to work hard each and every day without any excuses. The best part of being entrepreneur is you never fall sick!

TCM:What is the best decision you’ve ever made?

Dipti: Quitting our well paying jobs and having courage that bordered upon foolishness at times to start something of my own was one the best decisions that i have taken till date.

TCM: What stimulated your ideas to start a new business venture or to bring significant changes in an existing business/at work place?

Dipti: I always wanted to start something of my own and i was open for both product and services space. Our mission was always to build a software services company that can do core development work out of India and compete with the product development companies across the world.

TCM:What effective strategies you have implemented/initiatives you have taken to achieve success?

Dipti: We believe in offering cutting edge integrated services across technologies empowered by innovation, best in class process and best of breed technology and all rolled in one has helped in our success all the way. I think understanding the ever changing market dynamics and being reactive to the market needs all the time had been the best strategic decision that we have taken since the inception of the company.

TCM:How do you define success? What is your take on the ways to achieve long term success?

Dipti: Success for us is finally seeing a happy and referenceable client by ensuring a successful product launch and continuous product growth.

TCM:Please tell us about your future plans

Dipti: As we have started seeing unprecedented growth in the past couple of years, expanding to newer markets and widening our technological offering are the 2 core areas of stress in our future plans.

TCM:Who has been your greatest inspiration?

Dipti: I believe these three people have been my inspiration. I would like to mention their names with a quote by them.

  • Gandhi- “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
  • Aryabhatta- “The universal medicine for the soul is supreme reason and absolute justice, for the mind mathematical and practical truth, for the body quintessence, a combination of light and gold”
  • Gautam Buddha-“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment”

TCM:Whom do you attribute your success to?

Dipti: At Tudip, my coworkers hold the key to our success and they had been the driving factor behind this incredible journey of ours. This is precisely the reason why all our policies are centered towards the betterment of our employees without compromising our core services offerings to our clients.  

TCM:Do you think your personal life is affected by your professional life? How?

Dipti: Instead of looking at personal and professional priorities as 2 different stacks, entrepreneurship forces you to treat them as 1 consolidated stack. My personal life suffered a bit because of my professional life but the fact is entrepreneurs do not look for work-life balance but they are always looking for work-life choices.

TCM:What do you think is the biggest challenge to female leadership?

Dipti: I did not face any such challenge while leading an organization as i was always surrounded by people who looked skill and hard work as a deciding parameter instead of gender. To sum it up, leadership is not a matter of muscle but it is a matter of mind and multi tasking all the time. I think we women are inherently better tuned to perform the leadership roles because we are good at these 2 key parameters.