Swati Jaiswal, Implausable Businesswomen Focused Towards Changing Lives With Her Brainchild Start-Up, Sunshine Placement Services

“There is no paycheque that can equal the feeling of contentment that comes from being the person you are meant to be,”

– An Oprah Winfrey

Quote that describes the mindset of the visionary entrepreneur Swati Jaiswal behind her brand and its motto i.e., to give her life a purpose by supplying the solution to employment puzzle thus serving humanity.

With strong believe that monetary satisfaction cannot overpower finding the right purpose of life, Swati Jaiswal leads in various roles as an HR Professional turned entrepreneur, a certified Reiki & Pranic healer practitioner, a certified Angel card reader and a blogger, while her brand offers wide range of HR services, for her Sunshine is a platform to  serve humanity and mankind by connecting the job seekers to the companies and thus uploading millions of smiles among the unemployed youth by providing them a scope of bread and butter throughout the calendar. 

Sunshine Placement Services is a fast-growing professionally managed placement services venture based out of Kolkata, India that caters to both IT and Non-IT requirements of its clientele from various industries varying in magnitude and complexity of job requirements with unparalleled expertise lying in comprehending varied manpower requirements.

Undertaking several assignments, the trailblazing company offers comprehensive services including identifying business strategies, searching partners in technology, and finding clients to hire candidates to ensure the complete satisfaction of both the candidate and the company. In an interview with The CEO Magazine, the farsighted leader passionate about changing the lives of job seekers, Swati Jaiswal sheds light on various facets of her life and business:

The CEO: Have you always been entrepreneurial? When and how did the idea coin to set up your own business?

Swati: Yes, I always wanted to do something which will not only give my life a purpose but will also help others at many levels. I changed many roles as I started my career as a franchise manager but gradually discovered that’s not my forte and got into HR Profile. Even though I was enjoying my work as an HR but deep inside I was not content. But as they say, destiny has its own plan so one fine day I got this vision, call it my life purpose and finally laid the foundation of Sunshine Placement Services at the age of 23 on May 27, 2014.

The CEO: How do you perceive the challenging moments in this journey of being your boss ?

Swati: I feel persistence is the key to overcome any challenges irrespective of one’s role and designation. And in my case, to be honest there were many ‘breaking’ moments especially in the initial stages which I believe are crucial, as they are now, the reason for plenty of ‘make’ moments.

The CEO: What are the distinct solutions your brand offers to its target audience?

Swati: Apart from recruitment, Sunshine offers resume services for the candidates which help them in attracting the right job as per their skills and qualifications, career counseling and pre-interview preparation which helps candidates in choosing the right path and to crack the interview respectively.

While the background verification service helps companies to check the background of their prospective employees resulting in having a secure workplace, we deliver to the age group 18 to 45 years of our target audience by connecting the right talent to the right organization.

The CEO: In this competitive business ecosystem, how do you build a successful customer base?

Swati:  For me, trust comes first. At Sunshine we build a strong relationship with our clients in terms of communication and understanding their needs. I feel, if you fulfill your client’s requirements with the right resources within the right time you will never lose your customer base despite the tough market conditions. We have built our clients by delivering the best and right fit throughout the calendar. Over the years, we have developed and earned enormous trust, respect and satisfaction.

The CEO: 2020 had witnessed a rough start and many derailed businesses, what are the challenges you are facing and how do aim to overcome them?

Swati: 2020 marks a historic year for all of us. As many SME’s are dissolved to many MNC’s and Pvt Ltd companies laying-off their employees, 2020 has been a tough year for countless people since the number of job seekers were rising at an alarming rate. So, initially, it was tough to place a huge number of job-seekers since the openings were less in this covid-19 scenario. However, as things are getting back to normal, companies have started hiring again, people are getting on-board, and so I am pretty sure the ratio graph will go up soon. Fingers crossed.

The CEO: What are the core values you ensure are followed by the team? What are your thoughts about a diverse workforce?

Swati: Integrity, productivity, reliability, fast delivery, dedicated point of contact, organizational values are the core values I believe in. I think diversity is of top-most requirement in any organization at every level. A diverse workforce brings new ideas and experiences making the team more creative and productive which will help in improvement and expansion of any organization.

What do you believe are the most important things to progress in a leadership position? What drives you?

Swati: I feel proper communication, ability to delegate and influence will be the key values followed by self-awareness. Gratitude keeps me going, I am grateful to all my mentors, subordinates and employees who have made me whatever I am today. This wouldn’t have been possible without their constant support and affection.

The CEO: How do you define success? Who do you credit your success the most to? 

Swati: I believe success is something which cannot be measured in financial terms only, but it is something that roots from being satisfied by what you are doing and fulfilling your life’s purpose. You are not only living for yourself but your deeds and actions are helping others. For me, success is when I am growing and becoming strong at all levels i.e. financially, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

I would credit my success the most to my Guru and my family. People who know me personally, knows my life journey wasn’t an easy one, I had my own share of ups and downs, with many personal challenges and many breakdowns, but my family support and Guru’s teaching were always around and they kept me going. I never stopped and looked back, though there were tough moments but they never failed to act as a pillar and my support system. They made me realize that Giving up is not in my dictionary and I will never ever give up no matter what comes in my way.

The CEO: Kindly share your achievements/accolades with our readers.

Swati: Personally, apart from being an entrepreneur, I am a certified pranic & reiki healer practitioner, certified angel card reader, a blogger and have been associated with many charitable organizations and NGOs.

Recalling the Sunshine history, we have started our journey with mere 4 clients and over the years, we have gained the tremendous trust and love of our esteemed clients. I believe, the reward of good work is more work. Hence, we have evolved by word of mouth and references from our satisfied clients and have gained enormous presence. We are proud to have served more than 450+ client companies over the years and looking forward to serving many more.

The CEO: What is your vision for the future of the company? 

Swati: Headquartered in Kolkata, we have been working Pan India since inception. Now, we are planning to explore and to step into overseas placements.

The CEO: What is your message for the aspiring women entrepreneurs?

Swati: Identify your passion and put all the required efforts to manifest your greatness. Don’t ever give up, I repeat – “Never give up, giving up should never be an option”. At the end “Entrepreneurship is all about breaking the odds by overcoming challenges, learning from your failures and to succeed after failure”. Remember to fly high and always keep your feet grounded! Loads of best wishes and luck to all the booming women entrepreneurs.

Women Entrepreneurs