Dr Mamta Jain, A Breast Cancer Survivor, Mother,& An Outcast Visionary Entrepreneur Heading Medwiz Healthcare in Pursuit Of Excellence

“While I believe, success is a by-product of excellent work, the biggest achievement in this healthcare communications venture has been the journey itself, meeting working with some best brains, learning every day, industry recognition follows.”

Dr, Mamta Jain, Managing Director, Medwiz Healthcare

In this ever-evolving industry with dynamic advances in science, medicine and technology with emerging new fields of medicine with key stakeholders including physicians, pharmacists, healthcare providers, and pharmaceutical companies developing the breakthrough new therapies and treatments finding it difficult to communicate the benefits to their customers.

Faced with major challenges and exploring potential opportunities as they try to drive the scientific agenda forward in the rapidly changing and increasingly complex healthcare landscape, Medwiz Healthcare, founded in 2005 directed by Dr Mamta Jain, is dedicated to elevating the importance of science in healthcare communications while addressing the issues of truth, trust and complexity inherent in that process, thereby trying to make a meaningful difference in key areas of need in medical science.

Medwiz is better poised to present an option for a value focus and science and evidence being the foundation of value to ultimately narrow the gap between evidence and practice, especially when guided by expertise in health communications to deliver to the empowered patient of today who has more access to health information, and misinformation, from both valid and questionable Internet sources and healthcare providers, who are highly qualified experts need to understand the scientific underpinnings of drug therapies and know more accurately how the benefits of a new drug therapy outweigh any new risks.

In an exclusive chat with The CEO Magazine, Dr Mamta Jain shared with us her journey from being bitten by the entrepreneurial bug, being a leader and how she is creating a revolutionary brand for the present and future:

The CEO: Have you always been entrepreneurial? Share with us your story.

Dr Mamta: Looking back, I believe I always had an entrepreneurial streak in me, though the idea of starting a business was quiet by force, as soon after I had entered my 30’s aspiring to make my mark in this world as a young physician and mother, I was jolted out of life by being diagnosed by an aggressive form of Breast cancer.

What ensued was surgery, followed by months of chemotherapy, which made me very frail and weak. Back at work, I suffered with a severe bout of lung infection when I received a website content writing work from a pharmaceutical company which exposed me to realise my writing skills, and ability to simplify science. Soon, many other writing assignments came my way and I created a mark with scientific acumen, passion for perfection, fearlessness to think and suggest out of the box with my ability to listen and learn from every conversation.

The CEO: In this journey of being your boss, what have been your make or break moments? 

Dr Mamta: Starting as a complete outsider in this male-dominated industry, the journey of more than 15 years has been tough but also extremely rewarding and interesting enough that a book on Pharma marketing can be created as every experience good or bad has increased the knowledge so much. 

Initially when I started, though my clients were unaware of my cancer, I was worried about my 5-year survival and didn’t want to take up any project and not finish it. Initially, the major hurdle of my worry of recurrence led me to let go a few really big opportunities which would have made us stand among the top few in the world, and probably very early.

Also, being new to the corporate setup, I had to learn all nuances of how the industry works, which in hindsight has actually helped Medwiz, as we were not burdened with expectations and so we were fearlessly ambitious in our offerings. Over the years, we have worked with great minds and humans and some complete opposites of that, but I robustly believe that focus should be on never dropping the standards.

The CEO: In this competitive business ecosystem, how do you build a successful customer base?

Dr Mamta: With a challenge to create communications that resonate with many audience types, our clients need their stories to be told, and told well. We at Medwiz develop original and insight-driven solutions. Working in partnership with our clients, we deliver big ideas across every communication channel.

In today’s CRM driven sales strategy, when you help to build brands on the strong scientific foundation and recognise the critical role it plays in healthcare communications., it creates a long-lasting brand recall in the minds of customers. By delivering compelling creative scientific communications, rooted in deep scientific and behavioural insights followed by our personal, partnership approach at local, regional and global levels and our constant innovation keeps our clients loyal. I believe the best marketing strategy is to create a satisfied customer which is created by presenting strategies that positively impact their sales.

The CEO: 2020 had witnessed a rough start and many derailed businesses, what are the challenges you are facing and how do aim to overcome them?

Dr Mamta: Not just in 2020 during these COVID-19 pandemic times, otherwise too, we always have to find innovative solutions. So as an industry we always have to be agile, and adapt to newer technologies, find right partners. We are in process to collaborate with International partners for more engaging platforms for Inclinic patient interaction and also pharmacist interaction with physicians.

Constant innovation is the buzz word in our business, so recognizing the challenges in campaign delivery, we are trying to constantly find innovative digital ways to engage our customers. But these are of course learning times as we have recognised that every product has to evolve for these constant challenges while ensuring safety and motivation of the team.

The CEO: How are you strategizing your company’s business model to be aligned with the latest technological trends?

Dr Mamta: In times of COVID-19, scientific research, our forte has come to the forefront and has today reached every household in the world. While focused on simplifying science for the target audience which could be for patients, physicians irrespective of the media, our strategic methodology starts with insight-led thinking and stakeholder collaboration, with focus on articulating the messages, aspirations and positioning of our client’s products, and quickly shape ideas into visual concepts.

Making the ideas real, we express the brand across multiple communication channels and formats, strongly believing that delivering the right information at the right time via the right channel, is key to a successful campaign. Going forward to wellness and empowered patient are going to be a game-changer.

Intending to offer personalized interactions for better disease outcomes, we have a proven approach to create successful multichannel Patient Support Programs that allow patients to quickly and conveniently access the information and support they need when they need it through services such as helplines, apps, emails and educational websites.

The CEO: What are the core values you ensure are followed by the team?

Dr Mamta: As a brand, we are defined by the values we share and our values guide everything we do and we are driven by an uncompromising commitment to quality because patients’ lives depend on it.

While integrity, identifying the value creation for clients, outsmarting not outspending are the core values I believe in, our partnerships are built on trust which is earned by consistently delivering on our promises and our mission is to partner with our clients, improving lives by helping healthcare professionals and patients get the medicines, knowledge and support they need by solving problems, being resourceful and innovative thinking.

The CEO: What are your views on a diverse workforce? What inspires you?

Dr Mamta: I believe in not only sexuality-based diversity but also economical background, educational backgrounds all contribute vibrant work culture with a diverse workforce. Keeping the client’s interest and making a difference to the brand, which can be documented in sales, is what inspires me constantly. 

The CEO: How do you define success? Who do you credit your success the most to?

Dr Mamta: I believe, success is relative, and a concept that I am still exploring. I credit hard work and passion for the journey until now. While family support is the backbone to achieve any success, the value of good team support is core and fundamental to any organization.

The CEO: What is your message for the aspiring women entrepreneurs?

Dr Mamta: In my entrepreneurial experience, I have overcome the challenges of building credibility over the years. Having mentioned that, I believe, we, as women have to work harder than men and have persistent commitment and passion about our careers. It is not about how you are seen but about how you see yourself.

Women Entrepreneurs